How Access Your Maternity Notes

maternity medical records, right to access

Your Right to Access Your Medical Notes

You have a right to access your medical notes written about you during your pregnancy, birth and postnatal period. It doesn’t matter what reason you want to access them for you have a right to request a copy from your local NHS Trust. Your care is usually documented either electronically or on paper (or both) from your very first midwife appointment right the way through your pregnancy, during and after birth.

How to Request Your Maternity Notes

The easiest way to request your notes is direct from your local trusts website. The quickest and easiest way is to use google and search the name of your trust and then access to records. For example type “NUH access to records” in the search button and it should bring up a website page that mentions “subject to access request”

Then look for the link to submit a form to make a“subject to access request” which gives you the legal right to access your information. This should be an online form and may be headed as a “data” request. You will usually need to provide two forms of ID such as a driving license or a passport and a proof of address such as a bank statement or utility bill.

They may then contact you to verify who you are before they approve the request. By law the request should be processed within 30 days of your application, although more complex requests may take longer . You may receive your notes in electronic form such as a USB/memory stick and some may be sent to you in a paper form depending on the Trust.

Reading Your Notes

It’s really important to be mindful that when you read your notes there may information or details that you may not remember or it can bring up unexpected emotions or feelings. Sometimes the information recorded might have not been documented or recorded correctly and language used may not be clear or terminology you may not understand. It may answer some questions, it may not and it may leave you with more questions.

Have someone with you when you read your notes to support you should any heavy emotions, feelings or anything triggering arise to make sure you are supported as much as possible

You can book an appointment with your local trust to go through your notes which would usually take place where you gave birth, with a midwife or consultant if you were looked after by a consultant. This isn’t an indepedant service and will take place where you gave birth so prepare as much as possible and have someone go with you.

You can book debriefs with an independent private midwife or those that offer a debrief or birth reflection service which will be completely independent and take place online or at your home if you are comfortable.

As a birth trauma support practitioner, I do offer confidential birth reflection sessions either online or in person (local to Nottingham) where you can talk and share your birth experience in a safe and supportive environment. It is not necessary to have your medical notes unless you would like to bring them or go through them with you. Please note that although I have a good understanding of medical terms and knowledge, I may not be able to answer specific medical questions or have the answer for them if they arise but I will do my very best to support you in finding answers to your questions or any support you may need.

I have attached the links below for Nottingham University Hospital (NUH), Sherwood Forest Trust and Royal Derby.

Nottingham University Hospital

Sherwood Forest

Royal Derby


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