Birth Reflection in Nottingham & Online
What is a birth reflection?
This is an independent birth reflection session that can help you to gain some clarify and understanding regarding your birth and talk through it in your own time free from any judgement.
This session is open to anyone who feels that they would benefit from talking through their birth whether you feel you had a positive, difficult or negative birth experience. Partners are also welcome to attend if they would like to talk through their experience as a birth partner.
What happens in a Birth Reflection?
A birth reflection gives you the private space to talk about your birth. The session usually lasts around 60-90 minutes; however I do not put a time limit on it, it will last however long you need to talk through.
This session can take place at your home if you are based in Nottingham. I will come to you, bring you some cake and sit with you to share your story. This session can also take place online from the comfort of your home via Microsoft Teams or Face time.
I will also follow up with you after the session and offer any further support you may need.
The cost for a birth reflection is £65 for a 60-90 minute session. I also offer postnatal support sessions which include a birth debrief/reflection so if you would like some extra support postnasally, you can find more about my postnatal doula support here. If you have experienced a traumatic or difficult birth, you can find more about my trauma support services here.
If you decide that you would like to follow through with the 3 Step Rewind Process I will deduct the cost of your birth reflection from the cost of the Rewind Process.
My birth reflection appointments are available Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursday day time or in the evening online.
How to Book
Please get in touch to book your free initial 30 minute consultation to by completing the form below or you can use the “book a consultation” link below to book a chat with me directly and ask any questions you may have.
Alternatively if you are ready to book, please let me know your availability, where you are based and we will arrange a suitable time and date.
Hello, I am Kerry!
I am a Nottingham based Doula and offer birth and posnatal support in Nottingham as well as virtual birth support wherever you are based.
I am also a hypnobirthing teacher and birth trauma practitioner and can support you every step of the way.