The Benefits of Using a birth Ball


What is a birthing or pregnancy ball?

It is basically an exercise ball that you can use for pregnancy or birth!

Using a pregnancy ball at home during pregnancy has lots of benefits. It can help rotate the hips to help which in turn helps mobilise and free the sacrum. It can also help strengthen your back and help to open your pelvis whilst keeping upright.

There are lots of ways to incorporate using pregnancy balls at home such as:

  • Whilst watching TV

  • If you work from home you can use it instead of a chair

  • Whilst reading a book

  • Try incorporating is a part of a daily routine of anything!

It may even help to get labour started by using a rotation (figure of eight) with the hips which may help to get babies head onto the cervix, although caution with babies that are in a posterior position.

Pregnancy ball in Labour

A birth ball in labour may help with comfort, to rest and provide support! If you are planning on having your baby in hospital whether this is on a labour ward or on a midwife led ward or centre they will usually have a birthing ball available to use. It is worth checking to see what birthing equipment they have available for you to use or take your own one in. I always say to clients, if there is anything specific you would like to use for birth and it isn’t in the room, don’t be afraid ask a midwife for whatever you need!

During labour a birth it can be used to sit on and acts as a counter pressure if you are experiencing any discomfort from perhaps a swollen vulva. It is also a great UFO position (upright, forward and open) allowing baby more space to move through the mid part of the pelvis. It can also be used as a support to lean over and rest whilst kneeling on the floor, birthing mat or on the bed.

Studies have shown that using a birth ball in pregnancy for exercise resulted in higher vaginal birth and lower caesarean birth and may help to support pain relief during birth. 

Can I use an exercise ball for birth?

Yes, although It is important to make sure that you are using the correct size ball for your height.

  • Your height 4’8" to 5’3" = 55cm ball

  • Your height 5’4" to 5’10" = 65cm ball

  • Your height 5’11" to 6’4" = 75cm ball

Where to buy a birthing ball

You can buy birthing balls or exercise balls from lots of places, just make sure that it is the correct size for you.


Birth Ease

Birth Ball Exercises & Positions

For more information on birthing balls and how to use them as an aid and lots of other movements Spinning Babies have lots of techniques and advice and I always recommend clients check out their website for guidance and tips.

Don’t deflate that birth ball too soon, they can be great for helping to bounce and settle babies!

There are lots of things that you can do in pregnancy to help support, strengthen and prepare your body for birth! There are also lots of birthing positions, movements such as rebozo and biomechanics movements that help aid birth and support babies position.

If you would like to know how to prepare your body, get really informed and know everything you need to know about birth why not book on to one of my in person courses in Nottingham or my online 1:1 courses or power hours!



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